After i made the Enterprise i decided i wanted to test it in battle so i found a nice group of pirates.... i found out to late my ship had no shields and the engines were not arranged in a way to help me manoeuvre fast enough to rain death from my front guns it ended in disaster and i got roasted
i decided to try a star wars approach and began modelling a corillian corvette
the plan was to make a gunship with turrets to do the shooting for me and let me survive a lot longerthe docked turrets saw premature test as work was disrupted by a gang of marauders
the engines look cool and the setup allows more manoeuvring
windows give a nice view of the fireworks going off
its a long and thin ship so fells a lot more claustrophobic inside but it works
made a deflector dish made of missile weapons which will toast any foe
inside this shows the one internal dock for a personal ship. i made an Awing but it looked awful so i recycled it
the cockpit view well illuminated and does the job